Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mick Hanzlik completes Mirror replica

Award winning magician and master locksmith Mick Hanzlik tells us he’s now completed his replica of the famous Houdini Mirror Handcuff and key.

Says Mick, “I have managed to build a working Bramah lock (with the help of Master Handcuff Builder Ian McColl of Australia). This now operates on the replica key I made a few years ago. So it is the most accurate reproduction yet.”

Mick Hanzlik's Mirror Handcuff replica - click to enlarge

Mick has also produced a 20-page fully illustrated booklet on how the cuff was built called Looking into the Mirror. Price is $15.00 US or £10.00 UK with free worldwide airmail postage. Contact Mick at for payment details.

Looking into the Mirror


  1. We have a replica of the Mirror Cuffs on display to the pubic at the Houdini Museum in Scranton.
    Dorothy Dietrich

    1. I saw them on the table during your Zoom Houdini seance. Theyre beautiful!
