Monday, November 15, 2010

Watch this space...

I've just returned from the Warner Bros. Corporate Archives where I spent 4 1/2 fascinating hours examining a file on what I believe is the earliest attempt by a studio to mount a major "Houdini" biopic. And, no, it's not this one. And, yes, they did have a star in mind.

I think this is a first, and I think Houdini history could be made right here at our humble little blog.

This might take me a while to work up (I have a wealth of material to work through), but I just wanted to give a heads-up and a little tease. Watch this space.

UPDATE: Here's we go. "RKO 589: Discovering Hollywood's first Houdini film"


  1. How cool is this?! I can't wait to hear what you've found out John. I will definately be watching this space!

  2. So you know, I doubt I'll get it up this week. Probably this weekend or next week.

  3. I'll be eagerly waiting and watching!

  4. Count me in as well! (: - Leo

  5. Counted! :)

    (Now I'm feeling guilty about not working on this today.)

  6. Working away on this. Think it's going to be awesome. But it's probably going to need to be posted in two parts. But that might allow me to get Part I up more quickly.

  7. A great big WOW goes out to JC. Thanks for keeping me and others posted on your research.

  8. Blasting back to the Archives for another looksee as I finalize Part I. Aiming to get it up on Monday.

  9. Part I is done. Just need to get it proofed and formatted. So glad I went back to archive today because I made a few more discoveries.

    Will work on Part II next. I could actually extend this to a Part III, but I think I will try and contain this in just two parts.

  10. I can hardly wait John...I'm really looking forward to this! Thanks for all of your hard work!
