Friday, December 31, 2010

Polish Houdini biography

The mighty Kevin Connolly (Houdini Himself) alerts us to this book, 10 copies of which are currently being offered for sale on eBay.

This appears to be an original Polish biography of Houdini by Paul Sherman (as opposed to a Polish translation of one of the well-known english language biographies). Can't say I've seen many foreign language originals in my day.

Some further detective work reveals the book is 284 pages, a paperback, the publisher is Videograf II, and the release date was April 29, 2010. I can't find any indication whether the book is illustrated or not.

With shipping the total price comes out just under $20 U.S. Going to think about this one...

UPDATE: The same publisher appears to have released another original Houdini book in 2009.

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