Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Steve 'Mr. Escape' Baker launches blog

Legendary escape artist Steve Baker aka "Mr. Escape" has launched a new blog at You can read Steve's special welcome message ("Still Alive") here.

This is exciting. Steve Baker was one of my boyhood heros and a key influence as I was becoming interested in Houdini and magic. He was certainly one of the most prominent escape artists of his era.

I'll never forgot when I got to meet Steve and his lovely wife/assistant Julie at The Magic Emporium in Tarzana, CA (my signed photo from that occasion is above). I'll also never forgot Steve's performance of the Water Torture Cell on Dick Clark's LIVE Wednesday. It is still the most harrowing version of the escape I've ever witnessed, and to this day I wonder if Julie was really as frightened as she appeared or just a very good actress.

Anyway, it's a thrill to have "Mr. Escape" just one click away. I look forward to reading his blog posts and reliving fond memories and daring escapes.


  1. Dick Clark's LIVE Wednesday? I'm drawing a complete blank on that show...wish I could say the same about TV's Bloopers & Practical Jokes.

  2. Yeah, it didn't last all that long. But Steve's USD was amazing. I think I had it recorded on an old Beta tape.

  3. Hello,
    I can't seem to access Steve Bakers website? Is it Under Construction or being updated, or is it my computer? Is it still possible to buy the Steve Bake Impossible Transport Belt Escape? Thank you.
    Leonard in Canada

  4. The site is working for me, Leonard.

  5. Hello John,
    Do you have a direct email address where I can write to Steve Baker? I seem to have a problem then with my computer. Thanks for your help!
    Best regards,
    Leonard in Canada

  6. I'm sorry, Leonard, I don't have his email. But he also has a Facebook page. Maybe you can message him there.
