Sunday, April 17, 2011

HOUDINI comes to Blu-ray May 3

On May 3, 2011, Legend Films will release the 1953 classic HOUDINI on Blu-ray high definition for the first time.

As with their most recent DVD release, HOUDINI will come bundled with the 1969 movie, Those Daring Young Men in Their Jaunty Jalopies. The set is called "The Tony Curtis Double Feature." It doesn't appear it will be available as a stand-alone Blu-ray.

This joins Bruce Cardozo’s restored The Man From Beyond as the only Houdini movies so far available on Blu-ray in the U.S.

The Tony Curtis Double Feature HOUDINI Blu-ray can be pre-ordered now at (and, remember, using my links helps support the site).

1 comment:

  1. I just rewatched Houdini. I remember really loving it as a kid. It completely created my love of Houdini. But rewatching it, I really don't like it much. It's got some great performers, but Houdini botches or nearly botches every escape. It makes HH look like the world's worst escape artist, instead of the world's greatest.

    -Bruce Wright
