Saturday, October 22, 2011

'Houdini Coin' is for the hardcore (collector, that is)

Some of you may have noticed a listing on Amazon for a DVD entitled Houdini Coin, due for release on Tuesday. The listing has no description or cover art, so what could this possibly be?

Well, using the distributor as a clue, I've traveled to the seedy side of the Internet, purely for research mind you!, and have discovered that Houdini Coin is an adult DVD, and a pretty hardcore one at that. I'm not going to post the cover art for fear Blogger will reclassify my site, but I can share with you the plot:

"A sexy escape artist is tricked into a straight jacket and has her magic coin stolen. It's up to a voluptuous P.I. to recover the precious coin."

So there you go. If you like, you can purchase Houdini Coin on Amazon.

It might interest you to know that this is not Houdini's only foray into the world of pornography. Recently Arthur Moses, author of the definitive Houdini Periodical Bibliography, discovered an Italian comic book from 1978 featuring the erotic adventures of Houdini and Margery!

Raising the dead indeed.