Sunday, January 1, 2012

Still WILD in 2012!

Happy New Year from the staff

Happy New Year and welcome to WILD ABOUT HARRY's second full year of life!

2012 promises to be another big year for our favorite Master Mystifier. The Houdini Art and Magic exhibition will wrap up its stay at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco and open at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art in Wisconsin on February 11. The House Theatre of Chicago will revive their hit, Death and Harry Houdini, while the Chicago Children's Theatre will mount a production of The Houdini Box. Daniel Stashower's three "Harry Houdini Mysteries" will be reprinted by Titan Books. There's also word that we might get a major new book about Houdini and Margery, and there's always the possibility that one of the many Houdini film and TV projects announced last year will actually go into production, not to mention the elusive Houdini Broadway Musical.

2012 will also see the 100th Anniversary of Houdini's most famous escape, The Chinese Water Torture Cell. I will definitely need to do something special for this. I'm also toying with doing something major on The Grim Game that will finally let us all "see" Houdini's best lost film.

And, of course, I will keep you up-to-date with all the latest book and DVD releases, my own research, and all the Houdini news and whatnot. Because in 2012, I'm still WILD ABOUT HARRY, and so are you.

Auld Lang Syne
Houdini's favorite song as performed in 1910 by Frank C. Stanley


  1. Thanks, Dean. And to you too! :)

  2. Sounds like a very promising year. I am very intrigued about what you have in mind for "The Grim Game" I can hardly wait.
