Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chef Houdini

Magician, escape artist, author, aviator, actor, crusader...cook! Houdini did it all.

The mighty Kevin Connolly has posted to his blog Houdini Himself excerpts from two cookbooks in which Houdini provided special recipes.

The first is from the awesomely named The Stag Cook Book: A Man's Cook Book for Men (1922), where Houdini provides recipes for "Scalloped Mushrooms and Deviled Eggs."

Next is the Celebrated Actor-Folks' Cookeries: A Collection of The Favorite Foods of Famous Players (1916), in which Houdini gives his recipe for "Bread-and-Butter Custard." Says Harry, "I happen to have a weakness for sweets, and this is one you will not find in any other cook book."

So did Houdini really create these recipes or just lend his name to these books? Hey, I'm not here to reveal Houdini's secrets. But I'm willing to bet he was a better cook than Thurston!

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