Friday, March 16, 2012

Hungarian in a sack

Having teased us with hidden Houdinis for years, last night's episode of The Office titled "Get the Girl" finally acknowledged Houdini and the Houdini Museum in Scranton by name. As you'd expect, it's pretty funny.

Jim: Nellie? What brings you to town? 
Nellie: Certainly not the Harry Houdini museum. What a nobody! Oh, look, some Hungarian just found his way out of a sack, let's build a shrine.


  1. Thankz John;

    Great show!

    Cannot tell you how many times we have been scripted in, and then ended up on the cutting room floor of The Office. They even have our Houdini Bobble Head Doll and our Houdini promo on their bulletin board in some shots.

    Glad to see this made it.

    The media has picked us up several times this past year including a sequence of Dorothy Dietrich's bullet catch on "HOUSE".

    And an around the world half page story in the New York Times on our replacing the Houdini bust at his grave that was missing for 36 years, and our being asked by the cemetery to take over the care of his grave. This is now being shown internationally on the Houdini, Houdini Museum episode on Steve Santini's "Deals From The Darkside!"

    The Travel Channel's "Mysteries At The Museum" keeps repeating Dorothy Dietrich's explaining our Mirror Cuff display at the Houdini Museum again and again, hopefully till everyone in America sees it. Next showing according to their web site, Tuesday, March 27, Mysteries At The Museum 8 PM and Wednesday, March 28, at 3 AM. She was recognized on the street in New York City last week because of it. We were doing a show, and some research for our web site and research on Joan Brandon. If anyone can help on those it would be greatly appreciated.

    Then caught a great show at Manhattan's Monday Night Magic starring Peter Samelson.

    And our traveling Houdini Museum display is about to go out on the road again. And hope soon to have new news on our $30,000 Scranton Facade Matching Grant finally being finalized.

    Love to all
    Dick Brookz & Dorothy Dietrich

    1. I've never seen your bobble head, but I have spotted the postcard and refrigerator magnet. I've been calling those "hidden Houdinis" and I've done 2 posts about them.

      Congrats on finally making it into the show!
