Monday, June 25, 2012

Houdini Lives will die on June 30

This is just a heads up that my old Houdini website, Houdini Lives!, will cease to exist after June 30 when Apple turns off their MobileMe hosting service.

I considered moving the site to a paid server, but I decided I don't need the hassle and expense of serving a site that I no longer update. Over the past few years I've moved and archived all the important news stories here on WILD ABOUT HARRY, and part of the reason I created this blog was because I saw support waning for iWeb/MobileMe and feared it was a matter of time before Apple abandoned the software and service. That day has come.

What spooks me is I still see a fair amount of traffic travel from the old site to here. This is probably because I have a WILD ABOUT HARRY news feed at Houdini Lives. But after Saturday, that feed will no longer be available.

So if you are connecting to this blog via any URL that says, change those bookmarks to (I also might look into an automatic redirect of the old URL).

Thanks. I apologize for any inconvenience.

UPDATE: The site is now offline, but the old URL should be forwarding to this blog now.


  1. The end of an era. But this place is going gangbusters!

    1. Thanks melbo. I really appreciate all your support.

  2. The site is now offline, but the old URL should be forwarding to this blog now.
