Saturday, September 8, 2012

'The Metamorphosis' receives early praise and a later release date

Bruce MacNab's fantastic new book, The Metamorphosis: The Apprenticeship of Harry Houdini, has received some early praise from Houdini notables, including myself. The following review blurbs appear on the Goose Lane Editions website.

"A definitive masterpiece describing the early travelling life of the world’s greatest showman in magic. An explicit 'diary' of Harry Houdini during his first Maritime-Canadian tour, filled with details unlike any other historical documents previously published! Exciting and brilliantly written!"
— Coral and Peter Reveen, hypnotist, magician, performers, The Man They Call Reveen
"This is a book that will wow the magic world. Not only does it contain a wealth of never-before-published photos, but Bruce MacNab has drilled down into a relatively unknown period of Houdini’s early life and uncovered facts, incidents, and artifacts that rewrite Houdini history. This is one of the most important books ever written about the great escape artist. It’s also just a wonderfully told story. A standing ovation for The Metamorphosis: The Apprenticeship of Harry Houdini."
John Cox, creator of Wild About Harry (

"This is a terrific book. After reading The Metamorphosis: The Apprenticeship of Harry Houdini, I was left amazed by all the new details, photos, and juicy tidbits Bruce MacNab has uncovered. This book is well researched and a must-read for anyone interested in Houdini."
— Dorothy Dietrich, The First Lady of Magic, founder/director of The Houdini Museum, Scranton, PA

"No other performer captured the attention and entertained an audience during the vaudeville era as did Houdini. Bruce MacNab has done an amazing job in researching and sharing new information in his book The Metamorphosis. While Houdini toured with Marco the Magician for twelve weeks in 1896 throughout the Maritime provinces, he learned skills in the art of suspense and marketing that helped shape his career and made him the legend he is today. As the proud owner of one of Houdini’s original Metamorphosis trunks, I am sure Houdini would agree that the book deserves a standing ovation."
Roger Dreyer, CEO, Fantasma Magic and Houdini Museum, New York

The book has also received new release date, October 26, 2012 (pushed from September 28). The cover has also undergone a bit of a change. It now includes a selected blurb from...yours truly! This was a great surprise and a true honor.

If you haven't yet pre-ordered the book from Amazon, now is a good time to do so. Not only is it currently 34% off, but know that Amazon will start charging sales tax in many states, including California, starting September 15.

Pre-order The Metamorphosis: The Apprenticeship of Harry Houdini from Amazon.


  1. Love to have it in hardback.

  2. Thanks for the heads up on this book. Looks like a good one. I have pre-ordered a copy.

