Friday, September 14, 2012

Wild About Harry hits 500,000 views

We've hit a milestone here at Wild About Harry. We've just crossed a half million views since our debut on Nov. 10, 2010. Houdini lives indeed!

The vast amount of our viewers are in the United States, followed by the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Chile, Russia, China, France, and Ukraine. Users connect via Windows (60%), Mac (26%), iPhone (3%), iPad (3%), Android (2%), Linux (2%), and iPod (1%).

Thanks to everyone for the hits. We're now off to one million!


  1. John;

    Congrats from the gang here at the Houdini Museum here in Scranton, PA.

    Great picture.

    What city was it in?

    Dorothy Dietrich
    Dick Brookz

  2. Thank you, Dorothy and Dick. :)

    This photo was taken in Providence, Rhode Island. It was part of the Houdini Art and Magic press pack.

  3. Congratulations! That's a lot of HH fans out there! You're doing a fine job.

  4. Congratulations John! This blog is fun and informative! Nice photo--but where's Harry? Is that him hanging upside down wearing a straitjacket or a spec on my computer screen?

    1. Thanks Leo.

      Look closely, you can see him hanging from the Evening News building.

  5. Thanks John. Forgot to click on the photo to enlarge it.
