Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Precious Lump of Sweetness" turns 137

Beatrice Houdini was born Wilhelmina Beatrice Rahner on January 23, 1876, in Brooklyn, New York. Like Houdini, Bess came from a large immigrant family and was also bitten by the showbiz bug in her teens. While working at Coney Island in a song and dance act called The Floral Sisters, Bess was courted by Houdini's younger brother, Theo (Hardeen). But it was the older Houdini brother that she fell in love with and married on June 22, 1894.

So today we say, Happy Birthday to Bess Houdini...or as her love-struck husband would call her: "Darling Wifey", "My Silver Bride", "Champagne Coquette", "My Ownest Darling One and Only", and (my favorite), "Precious Lump of Sweetness."

From the collection of MSW.

Below is a collection of "Best Bess" posts to help celebrate her day:

Did Bess Houdini smoke pot?

Bess Houdini on Facebook

Houdini's pet names from love letters published in Houdini The Key by Patrick Cullition. Bess birth date confirmed by John Hinson.

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