Thursday, February 14, 2013

No words necessary

Happy Valentine's Day


  1. What's the story behind this clip? It's just these few seconds or part of a longer film?

    1. There are several different clips shot on this same spot, including the well known clip of Houdini making Dr. AM Wilson vanish.

  2. How about that Houdini poster on the theater wall. Did it survive?

    1. It's a "Houdini for President" litho. I doubt this one survived, but there are still some of these around.

  3. Easily my favorite Houdini clip. Thanks, John.

  4. Up until I saw this clip on your site last year I never knew it existed. Is there a listing of all films that are known to exist of Houdini? John....can you elaborate if you know of film or clips of film that are in collectors hands that have not been seen by the public? I remember seeing a very clear film of Houdini being tied to a table by what looked like monks. After lots of wriggling and struggle Houdini escapes and the monks lift him to their shoulders in triumph. Have not seen that clip in many years but it's out there somewhere.

    1. No list that I know of. The monk footage is curious. It appears to have been shot on the set of Haldane of the Secret Service, but it is not a part of the movie. One of the monks is Jim Collins, btw. You can see some of it in The Truth About Houdini. I've never seen a full uncut version. Would love to!
