Wednesday, March 13, 2013

In the workshop...

These are busy days for me out in the real world, so I'm just letting everyone know that my postings here on WILD ABOUT HARRY might be a bit lighter than usual. But don't worry, I won't let any major news slip past. I'm also working on a new series that I think everyone will enjoy tentatively titled: "Notes from a Handcuff King."

Because we all know Houdini doesn't take a day off. Look, there he is now!


  1. my grandfather use to help Houdini in the work shop, while my grandmother used to make his arm holes in his shirt bigger.

  2. I always liked that picture. I think it was in "The Man Who Walked Through Walls, the first book I ever bought.

  3. And that photo is one in a series of who knows how many. I have a repro of one showing Houdini in the workshop with the same skull and holding what appears to be a vanishing birdcage. I plan to post the pic on my Houdini blog soon.

    1. Whoa! I haven't see that. Looking forward to it.

    2. Actually, I have seen that. It's in Pat's book, The Key. Cool shot!

  4. Cool Tom! I'd love to see that photo. Is that workshop the New Jersey warehouse? I always wondered what the heck Houdini was doing with that drill press.

    That photo is cropped. There is more going on at Houdini's left. There is supposed to be a heavyset man who appears to be filing something.

    1. Yeah, this is cropped. I scanned this from Pictorial Life. The full shot is in Man Who Walked Through Walls, as ringmaster pointed out. But I couldn't scan that one without bending the book.

  5. Is that Collins in the middle?
