Sunday, April 14, 2013

Houdini and Holmes investigate The Clairvoyant Murders

Houdini and Sherlock Holmes team up in a new eBook, The Clairvoyant Murders by Charlie Mount.

According to the description on Amazon, this is Volume 1 of a serialized novel in which "Sherlock Holmes meets Houdini in this thrilling detective serial about murder, clairvoyants, a mysterious suffragette, a secret society, German espionage, magic, and more!"

You can purchase The Clairvoyant Murders by Charlie Mount for the Kindle on Amazon (where you can also read a small excerpt). No word on a print release.


  1. Charlie Mount did our shows in New York City at The Magic Towne House, where we had our first Houdini Museum on the top floor. It was the original Houdini Museum in New York that we then moved to a unique building in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Charlie Mount was on our full time staff for a while. He even did our children shows there for a while. He was and is and excellent mime. We later booked him for several years on the college circuit. He is also a director, and I believe producer and teacher, as well as a fine performer.

    Glad to see he is still involved in magic. Trust we were part of the inspiration.

    Dick Brookz & Dorothy Dietrich
    The Houdini Museum
    The Only Building in the World Dedicated to Houdini.

    1. That's great. If you talk to him, encourage him to release this in a print version.

    2. Thank you for the shout out. And, yes, my time spent at the Magic Towne House was very inspiring. Nice to bump into you again, Dorothy!

      Houdini has always been a fascinating subject to me, and was a central character in my play "Trumpets and Table-Tipping", produced years ago at Theatre 40 in Beverly Hills.

      I do have plans for a print version of the Holmes/Houdini novel -- one day. I'm encouraged by how well the book is selling.

      Off to finish the next volume! Thanks again.

      ~ Charlie Mount
