Friday, December 13, 2013

LINK: Is this Houdini's spirit voice?

Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brookz at the Houdini Museum of Scranton have posted the audio clip from last Halloween's Official Houdini Seance that medium Alan Hatfield claims contains Houdini's spirit voice. Alan, who's specialty is EVP (electronic voice phenomena), discovered voices on the 90 minutes of audio he recorded during the seance.

Has Houdini finally returned? I'm not endorsing nor debunking; just sharing. So click the headline and have a listen at the Houdini Museum of Scranton website.

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  1. Sounds way too much like a normal voice to be from someone dead for 90 years. Way too perky!

  2. I was expecting it to sound like his actual voice recordings. Should it?

  3. Voice seems similar to the guy making the recording.

  4. John Hinson great nephew of Bess and Harry HoudiniDecember 13, 2013 at 8:05 PM

    Can we get a transcript of the voice.

  5. I have a seance recording of Houdini's voice from this past Oct 31, too. Mine's real and Houdini says this guy's a fake!
