Monday, January 27, 2014

Houdini and Conan Doyle rumble internationally

A new Spanish language book has been released by La Felguera called Sherlock Holmes Contra Houdini. The author's are listed as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini with translation by Raquel Duato Pérez and Eduardo Fonseca Pérez.

I'm not exactly sure what this is, but my guess is it's a collection of Doyle and Houdini's writings on the subject of Spiritualism. Funny how instead of Doyle's name the publisher used Sherlock Holmes. But Sherlock is hot these days.

I don't always go after foreign language editions of Houdini books (I leave that to the king of international Houdiniana, Arthur Moses), but then I saw this awesome cover art and… Add To Cart!

You can buy Sherlock Holmes Contra Houdini at (U.S.) or (UK).

UPDATE: Now that I have this book in hand, I can report that this is something above and beyond (no pun intended). While I'm still not sure of what the text consists of exactly, I was pleasantly surprised at how copiously illustrated this book is. Every page has photos amid a beautiful overall layout. There are shots from the collection of Kevin Connolly and others that we don't typically see. This is one to get.

1 comment:

  1. I bought this book. Its about spiritualism. It also offers the translation into spanish of some parts of "Houdini among the Spirits".
