Monday, March 31, 2014

In the workshop...

These are busy days for me out in the real world, so I'm just letting everyone know that my postings here on WILD ABOUT HARRY might be a bit lighter or more sporadic than usual. But don't worry, I won't let any major news slip past, especially as the promotion for the Houdini miniseries is imminent. Houdini doesn't take a day off. Look, there he is now!

I'm also attempting to give major stories -- those with historical content -- more "time at the top" by letting them remain the latest post for at least two days. My fear is some of these aren't getting enjoyed because they are so quickly buried by the daily updates of Houdini news. It's incredible that from the day I launched this blog, I've had a backlog of nearly 20 posts at all times. My only challenge has been rolling them out in such a way that they all get read and something important doesn't get lost. I'm always looking for feedback from readers and regular visitors about how much Harry they can handle. 

For those who only read the historical posts, know that I send links to these to my standalone Houdini Facebook page (as opposed to the Wild About Harry Facebook page where I send everything and more). Give that page a Like and you shouldn't miss a thing. (I'm told that if you like several individual stories -- show interaction with the page -- Facebook will include the page in your News Feed.)

Also feel free to give me feedback in the Comments below. Even when I'm busy with lessor matters (like earning a living), I'm always thinking about Houdini and how to build a better blog.


  1. As far as I'm concerned, the more Houdin you can dish out, the better. ;) Every so often I'll try to catch up. Thanks for all your hard work. We know it's a labor of love, and it obviously doesn't go unappreciated.

  2. Thanks Tom. Yeah, I figure if people miss a day or even a week they can always catch up or just read what they want. I've set my pages to hold 20 posts, so that's 3 weeks worth always on easy view.
