Thursday, March 6, 2014

La Fuite de Houdini

Houdini may or may not appear in this recently released French graphic novel, La Fuite de Houdini by Jorge Arnanz. I couldn't find a good plot description, but it has Houdini in the title and we see posters for him on the cover, we go.

La Fuite de Houdini is released by Les Editions du Net and appears be part of a series of adventures featuring "Laszlo and Edgar." The title translate as "Houdini Escape."

You can purchase La Fuite de Houdini at the French It's listed but currently unavalible at


  1. "Fuite" can be translated as "escape," but more as in the escape of gas from a leaky pipe, not from a prison cell. I think a better translation of this title would be "The Flight of Houdini." Escape from prison would be "l'evasion." (I was a French interpreter & translator in a previous life.)

    1. Thanks David. That makes more sense. "Houdini Escape" was what I got from Google translate.

  2. Google Translate is rough at best. Although where else can you go for Fulani to Amharic?

  3. naturally I just received my copy in todays mailbag. I can't read French but this is done in a comic strip format with black & white line drawings that appear to have the artistic style of a first grader with bad writing & drawing skills. Won't someone please read and tell us what this dribble is about...

    1. Ha! What a coincidence that you'd just get yours today. We must be connected by the spirits.

  4. Arthur, if you could fax or e-mail me a couple of pages I could get the drift of the story.
