Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Photos from "Houdini in Milano"

Escape artist David Merlini shares with us today photos from the recent Houdini in Milano exhibition at the Expo Milano 2015. The display was presented by David and the General Commissioner of Hungary and marked the first major Houdini exhibition in Europe. On display were original Houdini artifacts as well as props from last year's Houdini miniseries starring Adrien Brody (David was the technical advisor). Enjoy.

Water Torture Cell from the 2014 Houdini miniseries.

Main room and lecture space.

Original Houdini pieces and the Milk Can from Houdini.

Is that a Margery Box in the back corner? (Click to enlarge.)

Houdini in Milano ran October 22-19, 2015 in Milan, Italy.

Thank you David Merlini.


  1. I tried to compare photos of the original Margery box online to the one in the back of that room. It's too far in the back and there's not enough of the box in that photo to compare wood grains and so on.

    1. Oh, it's definitely a reproduction. It David had uncovered the original, we would have heard about it. :)

  2. And those seven posters are they suppose to be real??
    If so what a fine collection.

    1. Not sure. Only the Unmasking ad appears to be the right size to be an original.
