Thursday, April 7, 2016

Houdini & Doyle episode 5 airs tonight in UK

The fifth episode of Houdini & Doyle airs tonight in the UK on ITV Encore at 9 PM. Here's a plot summery for tonight's episode: The Curse of Korzha.

An attractive traveling medium uses her psychic gifts to solve crimes, frustrating Houdini when he can’t figure out her tricks. Doyle feels she may be the real thing, so he is mortified by her next prediction: the end of Adelaide Stratton.

"The Curse of Korzha" is written by Josh Brandon and directed by Edward Bazalgette. I will post a review of this episode when the series airs in the U.S. starting May 2.



  1. Had the pleasure of meeting the writer of this episode, Josh Brandon, today. He's a Magic Castle/AMA member! Makes me look forward to this episode all the more.

  2. Another solid mystery plot, also introducing an ingenious and intriguing new character. IMO this show is really finding its groove; wonder if it'll take off with a fan following once it starts playing in the US (?)
