Monday, April 25, 2016

"No human can get through that door."

Here's another preview clip from the premiere episode of Houdini & Doyle. No need for historical dissection this time. This one is just for fun. Enjoy.

Houdini & Doyle stars Michael Weston as Houdini, Stephen Mangan as Arthur Conan Doyle, and Rebecca Liddiard as Constable Adelaide Stratton. It premieres next Monday, May 2, at 9:00 PM ET/PT on FOX.

Later this week I will be sharing "The Real Story of Houdini & Doyle."



  1. I've seen all the episodes so far and I'm turning into quite a fan of the show. It's better than I'd expected it to be, if not as flat-out amazing as I'd hoped it might be.

    The mysteries are clever, combining early 20th century social issues with apparently supernatural crimes. Houdini is very much the voice of skeptical realism and always turns out to have been right, with only very occasional and minor "it might be true!" supernatural cop-outs, which is refreshing.

    1. Good to hear! I've seen a handful of episodes myself and I'm also enjoying it. Looking forward to posting reviews on each.

  2. Hola, te pido disculpas por no escribir en ingles, la verdad soy muy mala en ese idioma. Solo queria felicitarte por tu blog, es excelente. Soy una gran fan de Houdini,la serie es muy divertida creo que merece algunas temporadas mas. Gracias por toda la informacion que publicas. Anna

  3. Translation:

    Hi, please pardon me for not writing in English, the truth is, I'm not proficient in that language. I just wanted to congratulate you for your excellent blog. I'm a big Houdini fan, the series is entertaining and deserves a long run. Thank you for all the information that you publish.
