Monday, July 18, 2016

Drink in Houdini and Jewish history

Here's a unique one. Entertainment Earth is offering a set of four "Famous Jews Pint Glasses" featuring images of Jewish notables, including Houdini. Here's the description:

A set of four 12-ounce glasses, each featuring a different category of famous Jews: writers, artists, entertainers, and thinkers. Now every meh meal with the mishpocheh can be a meeting of the minds! The Thinkers include Moses Maimonides, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Karl Marx, Hannah Arendt, and Baruch Spinoza. The artists are Lee Krasner, Amedo Modigliani, Marc Chagall, Man Ray, and Camille Pissarro. The writers include Isaac Bashevis Singer, Susan Sontag, Franz Kafka, Allen Ginsberg, and Gertrude Stein. The featured Jewish entertainers are Benny Goodman, Leonard Bernstein, Fanny Brice, Al Jolson, and Harry Houdini. Ages 18 and up!

Purchase at Entertainment Earth.

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