Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th of July

Have a Safe and Happy 4th!


  1. Great shot, John! I see Hardeen next to the column on the porch and possibly Dr. A. M. Wilson on the right rear at the other column.

  2. Happy 4th of July all , from over the pond.

  3. I think I know where this house is in Keansburg NJ. It's a few towns over from where I live. I read an article regarding Houdinis visit to Keansburg and it described the Martinka house as being only a short walk from where the ferry left him (and the rest on the NY magicians who came along that day) off. I will take a photo and send it along next weekend. Perry from NJ.

    1. Really? That would be fantastic! Thanks, Perry.

  4. It's a very distinctive looking home. Keansburg is a bad area.....lots of small homes most of which are unkept. This home is right across from the beach area (I don't think many still use it as a beach however), is obviously one of the older homes in the area and it is the only one with that porch design that I have found. I already found the other magicians home Houdini visited during his trip to Keansburg however I cannot be sure it's the same home or if the present house was built on the same site. Martinkas home we have a photo of and it looks as if it's still in existence.

  5. Hi I am on the centennial committee here in Keansburg we are looking for the Martinka home Keansburg has come a long way a lot of new construction if you can please email me with any info I would dearly appreciate it
