Friday, September 30, 2016

LINK: Houdini speaks to the living by Beth Burns

Beth Burns, Artistic Director of The Hidden Room, has written a nice article for Cultural Compass, the blog of the Harry Ransom Center in Austin.

Beth shares some gems she uncovered while researching her upcoming play, Houdini Speaks to the Living, in the Ransom Center's archives. There are photographic gems, such as this playful letter to Bess (right), and some nice personal insights, such as:

I even have a hint of how he smelled, or at least how the safe where Bess kept his things smelled. It’s a nice, clean, woodsy smell—like Old Spice and shaving cream, with a note of coffee.

Click on over and have a read at Cultural Compass. Houdini items from the Ransom Center collection will be on display in their lobby starting tomorrow, October 1.



  1. Wow! What do you make of the "Ehrich Prach"? This is the same name Hardeen used in his unfinished bio, referring to the father's duel with the prince!

    1. I don't know what to make that. Very curious.

  2. WoW how much is that letter worth, I'm guessing ten grand.

    1. Hard to say, but I'm sure every collector would want it. But it ain't leaving.
