Sunday, January 8, 2017

Houdini Museum announces HOUDINI-OPOLY

Our great friends Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brookz of the Houdini Museum in Scranton, PA have launched a Kickstarter campaign for their new HOUDINI-OPOLY board game. Below is a pic and description.

Houdini-Opoly is an exciting hero board game for 2-6 players built around the life of one of the most exciting personalities in history. To make the game more thrilling and up to date all of the prices and values throughout the game have been increased proportionally. The largest bill is now $5,000! As you go around the board you will learn about the life of this great icon of the entertainment field, in a fun way. The real estate properties on the board are the actual key places in Houdini's life in chronological order. Each of the property deed cards has additional fun historic information about that particular time and place in Houdini's life. Each time you play you will get different deeds and land on different spots so both the both the enjoyment, and your knowledge about Houdini will increase. It is fun, educational and a parody all rolled into one. Donors will be able to get their names on the deed cards, chance cards, the play money, the box and even the game board itself. Their names will be part of Houdini history forever!

Every donor will get at least one game. It will be a very limited edition. We only intend to manufacture as many games as we sell through this program. As with all items Houdini over time it will become collectible and rise in value. Many we have spoken to have said they will be buying a game or games to play as well as games to save intact as collectibles. You Can’t Escape The Fun!

You can learn more, see a video of Dorothy and Dick explaining the game, and check out a whole host of special premiums at the Houdini-Opoly Kickstarter page.


  1. I wonder what the game pieces will be? Miniature Handcuffs, Keys, the Milk Can, the Viason?

  2. Bobby the dog could be another game piece, or a small Houdini bust. Viason? You mean the Voisin, Jack.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In the first 8 hours we have reached 12% of our goal and we have 59 days to go. Check it out at KickTraq and KickStarter in just 8 hours we have reached 12% of our goal.


  4. This is a GREAT idea! I will mailing you some rquested material soon concerning "reincarnation"....Benjilini

  5. We are now on number 8 on Kicktraq's Hot List. (not paid for)

  6. Does anyone know... I pledged on this campaign and do not know if my pledge was accepted or not. DO you get any kind of confirmation that they have recorded what you pledged?

    1. Checked Kickstarter here is what we have
      $70 pledged

      Reward: 2X Houdini-Opoly Game ($70)

      Shipping: United States

      2 Games shipped to one location in the United States. All games will get a signed and numbered card as to the authenticity of the game. Shipping included in US. Shipping out of US requires additional charge.

      SPECIAL; FREE shipping in US.
      Ships anywhere in the world

      Dick Brookz

  7. OH MY ! YES! I'm IN TOO! Jessica here. such a great blog!LOVE it!
