Thursday, June 22, 2017

Happy Anniversary Harry and Bess

Today is the 123rd wedding anniversary of Harry and Bess Houdini. The couple married on June 22, 1894 in Coney Island where they were both working as sideshow performers. It's said they later had two more ceremonies to satisfy their families -- one with a rabbi and the other with a Catholic priest. "I'm the most married woman I know," Bess would quip.

If they were in town on their anniversary they would always spend it in Coney Island and take a playful anniversary photo (above is their 1917 pic). Their song -- said to have been the song Bessie was signing when Harry first saw her on stage -- was Rosabel...


(I know what you are all thinking: "Forget this mushy stuff, bring on the 278 pics!" Know that I'm working on it and hope to have the first post up this weekend.)


  1. Did Harry ever wear a wedding band? Is there a photo of HH wearing it?

  2. Harry and Bess were never married. They were in love, but sorry to say, never officially tied the knot!

    1. That certainly is an interesting observation since no marriage license has ever surface. But didn't the rabbi who married them mention that the wedding did take place?

  3. John Hinson great nephew of Bess and Harry HoudiniJune 22, 2017 at 2:42 PM

    Happy anniversary aunt Bess and uncle

  4. There were variations to the story. In one the rabbi who supposedly married them was in jail at the time. The other rabbi mentioned by Bessie was never located nor was there a record of a rabbi with that name. In the 1890's. it was nearly impossible for a Jew and a Catholic to be married and receive a certificate. You can rest assure Houdini would have had that certificate plastered to his wall.

    1. It actually wasn't a Rabbi who was in jail at the time, it was Boss McKane of Coney Island. And the Catholic priest is the one for whom there is no record. Yep, lots of stories and mystery around their marriage. I got into it HERE

    2. Yes--I was thinking of Rabbi Tintner, but he was too young at that time, only 14. Another unsolved HH mystery without that marriage certificate.
