Friday, October 6, 2017

'The Great Houdini's Puzzle Vault' released

The Great Houdini's Puzzle Vault by Tim Dedopulos has been released in the UK. I'm not sure how much this has to do Houdini outside of using his name and image to brand the book, but that's enough for me!

At the turn of the twentieth century, Harry Houdini was regularly leaving audiences of thousands amazed at his repertoire of stunts. Escaping locks and chains; digging himself out after being buried alive; freeing himself from a straitjacket while suspended from a crane; each escapade was a little more dangerous than the last and left his growing legion of fans wanting more. The Great Houdini's Puzzle Vault contains 100 puzzles inspired by the greatest escapologist to have ever lived. With puzzle chains where one wrong answer can leave you locked in a never-ending circle of puzzles, and logic problems designed to confound the minds of the unworthy, this puzzle book is an enjoyable test for all. Unlock your brain and see if you can escape the challenging puzzles inside.

The Great Houdini's Puzzle Vault can be purchased at (UK) and (U.S.).



  1. I have leafed through this book, and it is chock full of Houdini photos & diagrams throughout....It is NOT just a book of generic puzzles with the name "Houdini" on the cover, to help advertise it.

    I like it!

    1. I agree, Joe. This is nice book. Surprisingly well done.
