Tuesday, May 22, 2018

HOUDINI-OPOLY has arrived!

Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brookz of the Houdini Museum in Scranton are now shipping their eagerly anticipated HOUDINI-OPOLY board game. A lot of hard work and care went into the creation of this game, and it's spectacular! Only a limited amount have been produced. The game is available exclusively from the Official Houdini-Opoly Site, where you can also purchase additional pawn pieces.

Thanks and congratulations to Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brookz for giving the magic world such a treat!



  1. Two years of research and design. One of the most difficult and grueling projects we have ever done. More work than all the TV specials we have done put together. Along with many problems and mistakes along the way not of our doing, but caused by others involved in the production of the project both local, in different parts of the US and China. This is why in the end we decided to ship them from our own warehouse in Scranton. Will take longer but it is under our control. We will be involved in shipping them through sometime in June. We wanted to get everything right and classy and as perfect as possible within our power and ability. Proud to say nothing but rave reviews from all different directions. Orders have suddenly surged. It seems many held back thinking we would never get it done, or it would be done in a shabby manner. We have five or six other projects that we have had to put on the back burner because of the intensity of this one. Our hope was that it would become a desirable collectible. It is on its way to being a sellout. Thank your everyone for your confidence and unconditional support. Our special thanks to John Cox of Wild About Harry, Joe Notaro, and all the others listed on HoudiniOpoly.com

    Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brookz
    The Houdini Museum
    The Only building in the World Dedicated to Houdini

  2. Looks awesome! Love the box cover design!
