Thursday, June 27, 2019

Meet HoudiniFan

Today I wanted to give a shout-out to a relatively new blog, HoudiniFan, launched in April by webmiss Lisa. It has a lot of energy and creativity. Give it a visit:

A blog dedicated to Harry Houdini, the amazing illusionist, escapologist, magician, & actor! A collection of my fave pix, gifs, footage & more! Stuff we've all seen before with my occasional crazy commentary. ;) Track: HoudiniFan

You can also follow Lisa and HoudiniFan on Twitter @Houdini1926.


  1. An interesting photo in that blog of Harry, Bess, and a lady standing next to a car. Maybe taken in Europe?

    1. That's a great shot. From the Library of Congress. Does look like Europe.
