Monday, February 24, 2020

WILD ABOUT HARRY is moving headquarters

This week I bid goodbye to my Studio City apartment where I created WILD ABOUT HARRY ten years ago and have written all 4392 posts. I'll be putting the blog on pause while I pack up and move to a great little house in nearby Burbank. But a whole lot of Houdini happened here, and I will miss this magical space.



  1. Congrats on the new place, John. It will be nice living in a house instead of an apartment. And you will have more room to display your collection!

    1. It's still a very small space, a guest house built in the 1930s. Fun to think it was around when Bessie was here. :)

  2. Hope it is a better home for you! Congrats. Looking to transfer my production of Ether to a venue for full production. Finally, good video to send to the interested. Love your site!

    1. Thanks Susan. Good luck with Ether. I hope to see it someday.

  3. Good luck and I believe the new location will act as a "muse" for the beginning of the next ten years.--Dale

    1. It really is sort of poetic that I'm making a move at the 10 year mark. Fingers crossed that the ultimate Houdini book will also come out of this new place.

    2. Better a new house than being a caretaker at a remote hotel. Just don't stay indoors too long, don't get transfixed by typewriters or mazes, and don't have a drink with (or spill one) on any ghosts, and you'll be just fine.

  4. Congrats on the home! Looking forward to the next 10 years and beyond!

  5. Congratulations, John, and good luck with the move! (The pic above makes me want to rush home and straighten up my apartment; you're so tidy!) All the best in the new place!

    1. This was taken a week ago. You should see it now. It's like a bomb went off! :)

    2. Ha! Well, at least you'll have the photo to remember it as it once was!!

  6. You do know this means you have to buy a lawnmower, right? Congrats on the new home! Now you'll have room for more Houdini "stuff"

    1. I've already got that beat, no lawn! Thanks for the congrats Arthur, but I'm still just renting. Saving and hoping to buy in a few years. Still dreaming of having half the Houdini Room you have. :)

  7. Congrats on the new house! Sounds like it'll be a welcome breather, and right up your alley, being a somewhat historical 90 year-old house. :) *(But dang, your soon-to-be former apartment sure looks spiffy too!). It'd be nice to see a photo of some part of your new digs [though I can understand not wanting to show the front of the house or too much of it, for privacy reasons].

    1. Thanks gingertimelady. My apt was indeed spiffy. I would have stayed forever but the rent has soared in the past few years. If I get the new place fixed up in a way that looks impressive enough, I'll share a pic of the new WAH headquarters. :)

  8. Enjoy you new digs, Best Rick Schmidlin

  9. Whoah! Rick Schmidlin? Please Please Please do some more Elvis projects....Yours was the best I have ever seen.....

  10. Settling into the new place! A lot of unpacking to do, so posting is going to be a little slow for a while. But a good new headquarters. :)
