Saturday, March 14, 2020

Dean Carnegie dials in Houdini's Radio of 1950

Dean Carnegie's The Magic Detective Podscast is going strong and now in its second season. Dean's latest episode investigates Houdini's little discussed "Radio of 1950" illusion. I agree with Dean that Houdini's magic is vastly underrated, and Radio of 1950 is one of those Houdini originals worth consideration. (I do hope Dean's follows through with his idea to rebuild the illusion.) Click below to have a listen:

Ep. 46: Houdini’s Radio Illusion

Click the top Related link below to see the photo of Hardeen with the Radio of 1950 illusion that Dean discusses in the podcast.



  1. Thanks John! Yes, I am seriously considering building it.

  2. I think you mean Houdini's magic is vastly "underrated." I'd love to see Radio of 1950 rise again out of the vacuum tubes.

    1. Ah, yes, thank you, Leo. Fixed.

    2. You're welcome! I'm wondering how Dean plans to resurrect Radio of 1950. Are there published blueprints?

    3. There are no blueprints. However, Walter Gibson described the prop as a 'production cabinet' dressed up to look like a radio. Given the nature of the method(s), I'm first going to see if I can find a production cabinet illusion that uses the method Walter describes and go from there. But it will be some months before I proceed yet.

    4. Thanks Dean! I listened to the podcast and it was fascinating! I had wondered about the pole HH is holding in the Radio of 1950 photo and you answered it!

  3. Another solid podcast Dean, and add me to the camp of those that would love to see Radio of 1950 resurrected!
