Tuesday, August 17, 2021

UK magic bar unveils Houdini artwork

The Houdini's Magic Bars in Canterbury and Broadstairs celebrated their fifth anniversary on Monday by unveiling Houdini artwork by Brighton street artist The Postman. "To mark this special anniversary we wanted the man himself to be here at long last," says owner Sam Watson. "So, after many chats and with the help of The Postman, Harry Houdini will be on the walls of both of our bars. Welcome home Harry!"

The Postman blend pop icons with graffiti culture. They explained: "It was a challenge as all we had to work with was a couple of facial images of the famous illusionist which were more than 100 years old. The remaining pieces of the artwork had to be created from scratch, so we visited a few costume stores to gather material and staged a photo shoot. Bringing Harry Houdini into the 21st century and sharing him with our audience is an honour for us."

1 comment:

  1. What would Andy Warhol think of this? Houdini was a rich subject matter that flew under his radar.
