Friday, June 16, 2023

There's a Houdiniesque David Copperfield poster out there (update)

On my last visit to the Magic Castle, I was excited to see a new addition to their dining room. Framed on the wall is a huge new David Copperfield poster styled after Houdini's famous 1911 Strobridge lithograph, sometimes called the "Houdini for President" poster. Yes, it's David Copperfield by way of Houdini and that's pretty wild!

I don't know when this poster was created, but this was my third sighting. I first saw it inside David's own International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts in Las Vegas and again at Bruce Averbook's Magic Art Museum and Library in Cleveland. But I've only seen it inside these three temples of magic where no photos are allowed. So all I can do is share news that it exists and that it works beautifully as a tribute to two masters of magic.

Have you seen the "Copperfield for President" poster? Let us know in the comments below.

UPDATE: Thanks to Ray Anderson and our friends at Esther's Follies in Austin, we can see the poster!


  1. I have seen it, and have a picture of it. 😉

  2. I kinda like the idea of keeping this secret and special. But if someone wants to send me a photo, I'll share it on my Patreon.

  3. Now updated with an image of the poster!

  4. What more amazing place for it to be housed than in wonderful Austin!
