Monday, August 8, 2011

The Culliton Papers

Recently, noted Houdini expert Patrick Culliton, author of several books including the most recent Houdini The Key, generously gave me a large cache of his personal research papers to examine before donating them to the Conjuring Arts Research Center in New York.

Among the hundreds of clippings, photocopies, notes, and letters are some real gems. Last week I shared one of those gems -- Smiley's sketch. As I continue to sort through and organize the papers, I'm finding even more interesting nuggets of untold information about Houdini's movies, his encounter with Jess Willard, a curious "traffic" accident, and even evidence of a post 1910 aviation exploit. And then there's that photo of Bessie in...Las Vegas?

So this is a just a heads-up that over the next several weeks I will be sharing some of these intriguing discoveries here on WILD ABOUT HARRY as special series: The Culliton Papers. Watch for it!