Monday, August 8, 2011

Link: Dorothy Dietrich discovers secrets of Houdini's grave

Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brookz have posted a special page to their Scranton Houdini Museum website documenting their recent discoveries about Houdini's gravesite in Queens.

First up is the identity of the mourning female statue on the exedra (always wondered about this). Just click the headline above to have a read, and watch for more updates to the page coming soon.


  1. We are doing shows two and three times a day in July and August at The Houdini Museum, Tour & Magic Show in Scranton so do not have much time till after Labor Day to put up all I have found. I consider this a great discovery by myself and Dick Brookz, Directors of The Houdini Museum in Scranton PA. The page on our site will be updated as time allows but we wanted the Houdini world to have the information about this wonderful discovery as soon as possible. Thank yo John Cox, your site is great.

    We went to the grave site for a day as part of a two day TV shoot and we were driven to try to solve the age old mystery of the female statue mystery. We have been researching our entire lives. Many now dead. We have asked every Houdini expert, writers, dozens of Rabbis, mystics, scholars, etc., in our quest. No answers. We looked at it from every angle and took dozens of pictures of it from every angle and video, on breaks during the shooting on a different important grave secret we have been working on with other members of our team that was part of this great TV shoot to be revealed soon. This TV shoot included two of the world's top escape artists who are on our board and big supporters. Also there as part of the event was our official professional photographer and video person Ron Chicken and his wife, also on or Board. They shot loads of footage. The TV shoot does not have the statue of the woman story as we finally discovered it when we returned after many nights of tireless research. More later. Love to John Cox.

    Dorothy Dietrich
    Dick Brookz

  2. Thank you, Dorothy. Look forward to hearing about your other discoveries! :)
