Saturday, October 1, 2011

Link: The Magic Detective uncovers early photos of Houdini and Mama

Dean Carnegie over at the blog Carnegie: Magic Detective has knocked one out of the park today with two never-before-published photos of the very young "Brothers Houdini" and a family portrait of Cecilia Steiner at a young(er) age. Fan-freakin'-tastic! Like Dean, I'm just amazed at how many photos of Houdini are still waiting to be discovered. I've just offered a little tease above as Dean has the permission to publish the photos on his blog, so what are you waiting for! CLICK TO GO.

UPDATE: Both these photos have now sold at auction. Check out: Earliest known professional photo of Houdini sells for $78,000.


  1. John, Thanks for the link. The piece is soaring with hits!

  2. Wow! Dean those are great! Thanks for posting these, guys.

  3. Dean, is there any way to publish a larger version of the image?
