Thursday, November 1, 2012

Did Houdini return?

I'm just back from The Official Houdini Seance in Fort Worth and I had an absolute blast! Arthur Moses put on an incredible full evening seance event that came off without a hitch (and was not without some spooky moments). For me, it was a non-stop two day odyssey into world of Houdiniana like I've never experienced. I'm still overwhelmed. I will do my best to write a full report this coming week on the seance and everything that went down in Texas. Stay tuned.


  1. Replies
    1. You were missed, Dean. You would have LOVED this.

      I'll do my best to get it up quickly, but there's a lot of report and I'm swamped. Looks like there's a lot of other HH news to report as well. Two days away from this blog and it piles up. And then there's the pesky matter of real life and work...

  2. So bummed I couldn't go to this but am glad you had a great time. Really looking forward to reading your report.

    1. You were acknowledged and thanked and your voice clip went over great! So you were there in spirit. :)

  3. Looks like I have tomorrow free to work on this. Bill Radner sent me some terrific photos to use.


  4. John, It was a pleasure to meet you at the HH event. Thanks for your presentation on the career of this incredible performer. I have always been a HH fan, but never knew how amazing he really was. I look forward to your future blog...

    Dr. Robert DeVargas
    Fort Worth, TX

    1. Thank you, Robert. It was pleasure to meet you. Thanks for finding the site. :)

  5. The history lesson about Houdini was awesome and I really enjoyed the whole event until I saw someone behind stage flip a chair around in an attempt to trick the crowd into believing spirits were visiting. It ruined the experience for me. :(
