Tuesday, September 6, 2016

FLASHBACK: Houdini's busted bust

As we count down to the 100th anniversary of the exedra in Machpelah cemetery, I thought I'd direct readers back to this post from January 2013 when I shared photos of Houdini's original vandalized grave bust. These were sent by an anonymous reader and kicked off quite a discussion in the comments section, with one reader convinced that this posting constituted a crime!

After I posted this, the mystery owner vanished and the bust has never again surfaced. It was all very curious, but it's still an amazing thing to see. So click below and revisit:


*Do you like the idea of periodic "flashback" posts like this? Feel free to give me feedback below.


  1. I like the periodic "flashback" posts. They serve as reminders to refresh our perspectives on Harry. The bust has been replaced thanks to D & D and original is already a broken mess. It can stay in that yahoo's closet. What can he do? Consign it on the next Potter auction?

  2. Like the flashback posts. I haven't been with the site until the last few years or so, so I missed a lot, I;m sure. Call it your greatest hits.

    1. Thanks Anon. Yeah, that's really the idea...bring back some cool stuff for people who weren't around when I first posted. I have so much content here, it's time I started thinking about how to utilize my archive.
