Sunday, January 27, 2019

LINK: How Harry Houdini might have pulled off his most daring trick

This is a bit of a spoiler for tonight's fourth and final episode of Houdini's Last Secrets, but it's a good article by Mental Floss (an excellent website) with some nice details about the team's Buried Alive build. Click the headline to have a read.

Stunt expert Steve Wolf considers the buried alive illusion Houdini's most daring trick. "The margin for failure on that is zero," Wolf tells Mental Floss.

Houdini's Last Secrets airs on the Science Channel and the SciGO app. You can also stream episodes at their website or purchase the series at Amazon and iTunes.

I'll share my review of episode 4 tomorrow.



  1. Nice thing about the series, that we feared the most, is they keep the mystery of Houdini's stunts intact. That is their conclusion at the end, which means there can be more to come from them, as well as every one else. Rather than break the spell they keep it going. Thank you and well done!
    Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brookz,
    The Houdini Museum, Scranton, PA
    The Only Building in the World Dedicated to Houdini
