Tuesday, October 8, 2019

French edition of Magical Rope Ties and Escapes

French publisher Fantaisium has released Houdini's 1920 book Magical Ropes Ties and Escapes as Manuel des noeuds magiques (Manual of Magic Knots). Translation is by François Montmirel.

This might actually be the first foreign language printing of this book ever (but Arthur Moses can correct me if I'm wrong about that).

Fantaisium appears committed to reprinting Houdini's works. This year they've released A Magician Among the Spirits as Un Magicien chez les Médiums and The Right Way to Do Wrong as Manuel du malfaiteur: Révélations sur les criminels qui gagnent.

You can purchase Un Manuel des noeuds magiques at Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.fr.



  1. John challenged me so here are earlier foreign language editions...
    De Amateur Boeien-Koning - Dutch 1923
    Corde Magiche ed Evasioni - Italian 2008
