Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Too sexy for this blog

I wasn't going to post anything today, but then this happened.

This is the creation of our awesome friend Lisa aka HoudiniFan. I'd also recommend checking out her video My Drowning Love.



  1. Thanks for the support, John! I have a weakness for that song, lol! Harry didn't make it very easy to find just the right clips to match the lyrics, though!

    1. You did a great job. I can't think of any clips you missed. But now I have that song stuck in my head! Haha.

    2. The last 3 "fandoms" I've been into have resulted in a fanvid with this song. I think I've listened to it more than any other song! Plus it's one of the only ones I like that I can still use on Youtube without it being removed, lol! I've laid in bed for nights going over scenes in my head before I finally sat down to work on it. Thanks again!

  2. Thanks so much. That was great!! So I'm not the only one who thinks Houdini is sexy.

    1. Anonymous, you've been automatically promoted to my friend because of that comment, lol! :)
