Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Magic Castle conjures The Houdini Box

The Magic Castle in Hollywood is still closed due to Covid-19, but the AMA have been coming up with creative ways to still offer a Magic Castle experience. In addition to their "Behind the Bookcase" virtual events, they've now launched a way to dine.

Individual meals cooked by the Magic Castle chef are available for curbside pickup. Or you can get a box of ingredients and cook your own Castle meals at home. It's called "The Houdini Box", of course!

They are also offering The Blackstone Box for $60. That comes from Houdini's basement.

(Does anyone besides Mike Caveney get that joke?)

The Magic Castle's "Curbside Cuisine" is available to everyone (not just members) via the Magic Castle website.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds yummy:
    A box of Lox, smothered in Ectoplasm sauce. Punch optional.
