Sunday, August 16, 2020

Souvenir needles

Recently I had an exchange on YouTube with "Brian H" whose grandfather saw Houdini. I love this kind of stuff! This would have been at Keith's Theater the week of December 11, 1916.

Click to enlarge.

I love the detail that Houdini gave his grandfather two needles. This is the first I've ever heard of Houdini handing out his needles as souvenirs, but what a great idea. And, yes, I told Brian H that if he cared to dig those needles out of his father's box, I'd love to share images here on WILD ABOUT HARRY.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I can just imagine someone not knowing the story about the needles and coming across them like "What are these old things? Throw them away!" Eek!
