Friday, October 16, 2020

Hardeen in caricature

We've seen plenty of Houdini caricatures, but what about Hardeen? Well, here's one from the February 8, 1917 Salt Lake Telegram when Hardeen was appearing at the Pantages Theater. Click it to enlarge because it has some nice humor to it.

Click to enlarge.

This caricature accompanied an article that announced boxers Jack Dempsey and Jim Flynn, who were in town for a bout, would appear onstage together to strap Hardeen into a straitjacket. 



  1. "He's a clever cuss."

    Now that's a "pull quote!"

  2. Ooh this is good John. I place Hardeen in Los Angeles Jan 22-26, then in San Diego on Jan 27 for the week. He must have traveled to Salt Lake City after that.
