Friday, May 27, 2022

Ye Olde Magic Mag offers "Unseen Houdini"

The current issue of Marco Pusterla's Ye Olde Magic Mag features Houdini on its cover with the headline "Unseen Houdini". I don't have the mag so I can't tell you what's inside, but the cover image is a rare illustration by R.B. Ogle who provided artwork for some of Houdini's adventure fiction in the 1920s.

Ye Olde Magic Mag is available as a digital download and in a limited quantity of printed editions. If you act fast, you can grab one of those printed copies HERE.

Thanks to Leo Hevia for the alert.



  1. Ordered and highly recommend. There are some great articles including an article on the Magic Collector's Expo, that has a photo with me and others you might recognize looking at a display of Houdini memorabilia at the Harry Ranson Center.

    1. Steve Beam wrote a great article on the Expo! The story about the Scottish woman who claimed Houdini was her guardian for a brief time is really strange!
