Monday, August 29, 2022

Gladys and Leopold headstones return to Machpelah

Fantastic news today! The headstones for Houdini's brother Leopold and sister Gladys have returned to the family plot in Machpelah Cemetery in Queens. This is thanks to Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brookz of the Houdini Museum in Scranton, PA, who worked with David Jacobson at the cemetery to make this happen.

The original headstones were badly damaged by vandals in 1994 and have remained absent all these years. These are new headstones in the style of the originals. They look great! While the headstones are in place now, a formal dedication will be held at a later date.

Gladys and Leopold were the last family members to be interred at Machpelah. Both were cremated. Gladys died on December 31, 1958 and was buried January 21, 1959. Leopold committed suicide on October 6, 1962. His ashes were buried on February 3, 1963.

You'll recall that Dorothy and Dick also restored Houdini's bust to the exedra in 2011. They have continued to be caring custodians of the Machpelah plot. In fact, Dorothy was recently named chairman of the S.A.M. Houdini Gravesite Committee.


  1. Does one side of the Houdini headstone appear to have sunk 2-3 inches? I don’t see the same effect with any of the other headstones. I’ve noticed this in person the various times I have visited the gravesite. Could this indicate the casket has been infiltrated by the heavy soil?

    1. Interesting. I've never noticed that. I don't know what could cause that. Maybe something going on with the casket. Or maybe just the high traffic at that stone in particular?

    2. I would think those over the years standing on the ground around the gravestone would not have made the stone sink deeper on one side. Maybe the glass front of the casket (assuming there is a glass front) over Houdinis head has broken over the years. Someone should ask those who are in control over the gravesite for permission to check out the integrity of the casket.

  2. Great to hear! Thanks to Dorothy and Dick for doing this.


  3. I find it interesting that brothers William, Harry, and Nate died in 1925, 1926, and 1927. All in their ‘50’s -Harry and William each at 52 years of age. I found nothing googling William and Nate’s cause of death. Anyone have background on this and what were their livelyhoods? Dave

    1. Sadly all three would have probably been ok with the application of antibiotics.

    2. Sure but penicillin wasn't around yet.

    3. Correct. The idea is each would have been fine with meds developed a few years later (1928) although the first human use was not until 1942.

  4. Nathan died of Pneumonia. William died of Tuberculosis. Nathan was VP of Blue Seal manufacturing company in NY. I do not know William’s profession.

  5. Amazing,thoughtful and caring people๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™‚๐ŸŽฉ๐Ÿฐ
