Saturday, October 8, 2022

Remembering 'The Great Houdinis' at 46

Today marks the 46th anniversary of The Great Houdinis, the 1970s television biopic for which I have a lot of affection. For its anniversary I thought I'd share this full page from The Bangor Daily News. There's a lot of '70s goodness here, and the article at the bottom of the page contains some nice quotes from creator Melville Shavelson and Sally Struthers that I've not read before. 

Anyway, click the image to enlarge and travel back to October 8, 1976 when times were groovy and Houdini had a hairy chest.

Click to enlarge.

I recently uploaded The Great Houdinis to my WILD ABOUT HARRY YouTube channel. If you've not seen the movie, maybe tonight is the time to watch!



  1. That television program listing brings back memories.

    1. Fun to read over, isn't it? Hard to believe that back then this was everything that was on TV that day. Everything.
