Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Dover will release The Right Way to Do Wrong in 2019

The 2019 Houdini books are starting to reveal themselves, and among them will be a reprint of Houdini's first book, The Right Way to Do Wrong, from Dover. Dover has a long tradition of releasing Houdini titles. They've kept The Secrets of Houdini and Houdini on Magic in print for decades, and last year released Houdini's Paper Magic. Below is the cover art, which is worthy of a major biography!

With this remarkable book, the legendary magician conducts a master class in crime by revealing the trade secrets of crooks. Harry Houdini is known not only as an illusionist and escaper of handcuffs and jail cells, but also as a debunker of phony spiritualists and other charlatans. His interest in exposing fakery led Houdini to interview both police and criminals around the world. The result is this captivating volume, intended to help readers avoid being victimized by pickpockets, con artists, and other thieves. 
Written with verve and humor, these lively chapters recount the techniques of burglars, sneak thieves, shoplifters, and pickpockets as well as those of faith healers, fortune tellers, art forgers, card sharks, and counterfeiters. The instructive and amusing book concludes with an autobiographical essay, in which Houdini discusses the early days of his career and the experiences that contributed to his renown as the Handcuff King and Prison Breaker.

Other books due for release in 2019 are: The Sensational Houdini's Puzzle Safe (April), Harry (April), Before Houdini (July), and paperback editions of Escaping from Houdini (August) and The Escape Artist (April). October will then see the release of the most anticipated book of them all, The Life and Afterlife of Harry Houdini by Joe Posnanski.



  1. Awesome! I love Dover books. The Secrets of Houdini was my first book about him. I'll never forget the day it came in the mail. My mother ordered it for me. I was just a kid and that book made me want to be him.

    1. Their Houdini on Magic was the first Houdini book I ever bought.

  2. The Tony Curtis Houdini movie plus Houdini Dover Books,... the gateway drug to Houdini, escapes and magic addiction!
